03 March 2009

MMD--Mental Musical Database

In our "offseason" time of transition, we've been doing what we can to grow both personally and professionally as preparation for ascending into the next phase of Kaleidoscope. Here are some sources we've recently been blessed by, and wholeheartedly recommend for your own body of creative knowledge:

Moving To Higher Ground--a book by Wynton Marsalis
This man's artistry is simply inspirational. From a jazz frame of reference, he makes a compelling case for musical expression as flowing through interconnected veins of character, creativity, and citizenship. When he was in town for a Bucksbaum lecture at Drake a few years ago, it was one of those evenings that I wished every artist I knew could have been present, both for his speaking as well as his band playing. I'm still impacted at the mere remembrance of it.

1000 Songs To Change Your Life/Lost In The Grooves
Another interesting collection of musical perspectives to examine and see what clicks...

Victor Wooten's Groove Workshop DVD
How lovely it is to sit side by side with the spouse in our living room taking notes together on this power-packed video session. Inspirational plus informational--this guy is a really gifted communicator both on and off the bass guitar.

Derek Trucks everything 1
Derek Trucks everything 2
Just saw him at Hoyt-Sherman the other night, and was fed a splendid feast of musical soul food. Derek is still so young, yet has already achieved so much. (And of course, my spouse and I are drawn to him and his wife Susan Tedeschi because of the unique life status we have in common!)

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