14 March 2008

The M of our EMT group

At Kaleidoscope, we're fortunate to be on track with an acclaimed small business source called "The E-Myth." This school of thought outlines an "EMT magic combination" for a managerial team, Entrepreneur-Manager-Technician. Joe Koelling's our Technician, I'm the Entrepreneur, and the Manager is none other than the incomparable Ben Williams. Ben is "quite a human resource," as his abilities take shape in an awesome combination of skills all perfectly designed to fit together for building our business, almost as if he were born for it! This past year, after achieving top-level accolades in his insurance career, Ben (and his family--Lori, JB, and Jeremy) took an extraordinary dive off the safe status quo board into the challenging liberation of the faith ocean, in order to pursue the awakening of some long-sleeping dreams, not only for his own sake but to impact countless songs and lives.

Per "The E-Myth ", the Entrepreneur works a little IN and a lot ON the business, the Technician works a little ON and a lot IN the business, and the Manager works both IN and ON the business. Ben shows natural wisdom in both these directions, transforming our daily grind into daily gratitude. Yes, that sounds a little precious, but it's true nonetheless. Connect with Ben at Kaleidoscope, or at his bands' shows (Lady Blue--www.myspace.com/ladyblueband as well as the new jam band he leads called Truth Be Told--www.myspace.com/truthbtoldband, and the acoustic trio Embryo). And don't be surprised when you find yourself believing as we do, in "the gospel of Ben".

Shout-outs welcomed...!

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