05 March 2008

The very first post - Technology and Touch-ology

Yin and yang, right-brain and left brain, inspiration plus perspiration, we've all heard the examples touting the need for seemingly opposing forces to work together in an integrated fashion. I'm convinced that this particular need is vital for success in all aspects of the music industry, and especially when it comes to recording. I like to think of it as "technology and touch-ology." Here at KALEIDOSCOPE, I regularly witness the integrated application of these two forces, and I'm thankful for a setting that is teaching us all to master this delicate balance.

After nearly a year in this business endeavor, all the knobs and bells and whistles and levers and wires and speakers still make my head spin every time I walk through the control room. And I empathize with the mystified, quizzical looks of our customers, eager to "get in on" the magic they see and feel in our studio setting, even while being just a teeny bit intimidated by their non-grasp of the technological aspects of the tracking, the mixing, the mastering, etc. . But along the way, we are growing daily in our understanding of the "technology and touch-ology" principle, and it's gratifying to see so many songs (and lives) be influenced by it.

Comments invited and encouraged...

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