01 April 2008

Paul, Ringo, Yoko, Olivia...and You?

The other night I caught a repeat of "Larry King Live" backstage on the set of the Cirque Du Soleil show called "LOVE", a presentation based on Beatles' classics, and best described as...you know I'm going there...kaleidoscopic! The teaser throughout the show was "coming up--Paul, Ringo, Yoko, and Olivia...together again." So of course at the very very end of the hour, for less than 5 minutes, yes the world gets a glimpse of this foursome, and all the warm fuzzies of memory that automatically come with this look at the 2 remaining Beatles and the spouses of the 2 who've passed.

Paul made a fascinating comment about how "Winston Churchill's old papers are crinkled up and yellow, yet our music, through the wonders of technology, just keeps getting brighter and lighter." I couldn't help but think of the amazing gift "the wonder of recording technology" has given us, to be able to preserve all our special musical inspirations, both famous and not-so-famous, for posterity. That's what I believe people sense when they walk into our "LIVE" room, the vibes of all the artists past who've lived through their moments of what I'll refer to as "inspiration preservation". When you get to do it too, you literally join the honor roll of all those who've ever shared in such a magic moment; just like Paul, Ringo, John, and George, doing their thing in settings remarkably similar to our very own here at KALEIDOSCOPE.


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